The Sacred Cocoon

Spiritual Healing, Education, and Guidance

for Your Awakened Life

Navigate your transformation with knowledge and grace

What We’re About

Support for Your Spiritual Healing Journey

Too many people are living the life someone else created for them. In other words, they’re not living in alignment with their truth, and it’s not bringing happiness, empowerment, or satisfaction to their life.

Not to mention, we are conditioned to believe that things have to be a certain way for us to feel satisfied with our lives. For this reason, many people attempt to contort into a version of themselves based on someone else’s expectations, beliefs, and programming.

This life is not a one size fits all type of experience.

We are here to express our uniqueness and creativity, yet many of us hide it from the world because we don’t feel safe being ourselves. When we hide and play small, generally there’s doubt, discouragement, and a mistrust of the inspiration inviting us to take action . Therefore, we no longer create for the joy of creating — we seem to force ourselves to create for someone else, or simply not create at all.

Isn’t it time you gave yourself permission to fully express who you are without being afraid? Or live in a way that’s congruent to what you value?

Only if you’re sick and tired of your same old, same old and are ready for a change should you keep reading. For this reason, you’re available to become who you dream of being, do the things you dream of doing, and truly live a life you love right now!

Sign up for my Tuesday Newsletter for tips on how to live an awakened life.

Picture of Katie Cavenagh

Hi! I’m Katie

I’m here to help support your spiritual healing journey.

Whether you just discovered your spiritual gifts, are healing from old wounding, need guidance as you navigate an awakened life, or want to make big changes in your life, you don’t have to go at it alone.

What We Offer

Sound & Energy Healing

Reset and balance your body and mind. Journey on the sound waves for a deep healing experience.


Gently reprogram your subconscious through positive suggestion and constructive thinking.

Spiritual Guidance

Support to help you navigate your spiritual journey. Step into your power and gifts with confidence and excitement.

Personal Development

Work with your words, thoughts, feelings, actions, and beliefs to be in control and create a life you love.

Psychic Oracle Readings

Gain insight, healing, and wisdom on aspects of your life that may need your attention.


Take classes for spiritual and personal development, writing, business, meditation and sound healing.

zen buddha statue and lotus

Free 5 day challenge

Start Manifesting the Life You Dream of Living

Along your spiritual healing journey, you may find yourself empowered to manifest something truly magickal for yourself. Here’s 5 days of prompts to shift you into alignment.