Accessing our deepest calling doesn’t have to be a struggle. With some attention to detail and a little inner work, we can get to that clear space where we can hear our inner voice guiding us.

The planetary debauchery happening right now (along with Mercury shadowgrade) has been directing us inwards, to our deepest depths.

Our old patterns, programs, conditioning, beliefs, behaviors, habits, expectations, and the projections we’ve taken on have been shown to us in many ways. And even though we thought we cleared a lot of this old BS out, there are still some golden nuggets for us to collect.

In any case, whatever we’ve been led back to see and experience, we’re looking at it from a different perspective. Because we grow and change every moment of every day, we are not the same people when we go to bed as we were when we woke up.

And we can use this to our highest advantage. 

When it comes to accessing our deeper calling, many of us don’t even know what it is that propels and compels us to live our lives the way we do. We judge, doubt, and kick ourselves right out of alignment because of our old stories and belief patterns.

Sooner or later, if we desire any kind of movement, we’re going to have to clear out all the old junk to make way for what we’ve been asking for. This season has been slapping us with all the opportunities to do just that.

Awareness of our patterns is the first step to healing them. After all, we can’t correct what we don’t know is a problem. Until we bring things to conscious light, they will continue to wreak havoc under the surface, keeping us in our crappy loop-cycles.

However, once we free ourselves from these cycles, we can start to hear our inner voice. That voice guides us to that which is aligned with our divine purpose, even if it doesn’t make sense just yet.

Whenever we listen and follow the guidance we intuitively receive, we can start noticing patterns of our actions and feelings. Additionally, when we tune in regularly, we seem to just “know” what we have to do. And when we follow that good feeling, we will always be led on our divine path.

Our deepest calling resides within us for us to discover and create with. Part of the journey here on planet Earth is the process of uncovering our calling by experiencing all the things life has to offer. We decide what we like and don’t like, therefore fine tuning our path without even realizing it.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself and reflect on that may help you access your deepest calling.

  • What are some of the experiences I thoroughly enjoy having?
  • When I think of (something your heart desires), it lights me up like Las Vegas on a Saturday night. Why?
  • If money weren’t an issue, what would I spend my time doing?
  • What do people come to me for help with?
  • Where do I feel good in my body when I am of service to others?
  • What people, places, things, ideas, or experiences am I drawn to? Why?
  • In a perfect world, how would I live?
  • Who do I desire to be?

And if you’re feeling stuck, why not snag a reading or healing? I’m available to help you clear what’s in the way of you reaching your highest potential, and offer a multitude of modalities so you can find one that’s right for you. Email me at or book a free 15 minute consultation call to see if we’re the right fit.

About the Author Katie Cavenagh

Kaite is a multi passionate entrepreneur focused on the power of words and empowering others to open their conscious awareness. Katie is also a sound healer, oracle card reader, spiritual mentor, and tap dancer. Stick around long enough and you might just be convinced you're magickal.

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