So, Mercury just went in the microwave as we had the new moon in Leo on Sunday. If things don’t feel chaotic enough these days, don’t forget the retrograde parade right now also includes Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron (the wounded healer). 

I did a reading on Friday about the energies we’re working with for this retrograde. If you’re interested you can check that out here.

Holy shit, we are in for it. (In the best way possible for retrograde, of course.)

We are getting hit from all angles, and challenging our perspective can give us a lot of insight. 

A lot of our old patterning is coming up for us to reevaluate our alignment. This is where perspective comes into play. 

What have you been focused on lately? 

With all the things changing, whether it’s internal or external, if we’re focused on the negative side of it, we will create more of that negativity. We will be choosing pain and suffering, resistance, stagnation, and fear (and really, who wants that?).

Shifting our perspective towards the positive, looking at what we will gain from this change rather than what we are going to lose, gives us an opportunity for growth. This expanded point of view allows for higher learning, alignment, and acceptance. 

Even when we are experiencing something we’d rather not, we can find the blessing in the BS. 

Is there a way to flip your perspective? Are you hooked into a feeling or thought pattern because it’s part of your comfort zone, even if it brings you a false sense of safety?

This is really where we need to be looking. 

Where do we keep repeating our cycles? What are we refusing to see the other side of? How do our projections prevent us from seeing a different perspective?

Here’s a short, powerful exercise you can do to shift your perspective.

Get comfortable and focus on your breath for a few minutes. Give yourself time to get into your zone where you can receive guidance and information.

Round Table Perspective Shift

Imagine sitting at a round table with people/beings that you highly respect. I like to invite Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Jesus, Melchizedek, Gandhi, Jen Sincero, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and my abuelita. Invite whoever’s opinion and thought process you admire, there’s no right or wrong.

Then throw your situation on the table. 

How would each of these people/beings respond to it? How would they handle it from their perspective? 

Sit and listen to what comes through.

That’s it! It’s a pretty fun exercise because often you can get some really good information that you hadn’t considered previously.

I know it’s cliche, but when you change your mind, you change your life. 

About the Author Katie Cavenagh

Kaite is a multi passionate entrepreneur focused on the power of words and empowering others to open their conscious awareness. Katie is also a sound healer, oracle card reader, spiritual mentor, and tap dancer. Stick around long enough and you might just be convinced you're magickal.

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