Saturn and Neptune retrograde have been bringing us deep levels of lessons. We’re not just talking about the spiritual and karmic lessons, we’re talking about lessons that hit us way down at the cellular level. Mainly, what have we been hiding from ourselves about ourselves?

There’s nothing to fear, only to discover.

When we think about what we refer to as “shadow work”, we tend to cringe in fear because we assume it means digging into the past and reexperiencing our pain. While this is true, it is indeed a facet of shadow work, there’s also another piece we tend to leave unexplored.

In truth, this is where we’re being pointed during this retrograde cycle with Saturn and Neptune. We’re being invited to see ourselves at our core. What makes you YOU? What gifts and talents have you been hiding under the surface, fearing the consequences of what might happen if you let them out? 

Neptune typically represents the mystic, spiritual, and intuition side of us. While in retrograde, he is pointing us back inwards to remember these parts of ourselves, quite literally at the cellular level. This time, it’s all about the physical. Where are you not allowing your higher self to work with you? Why are you pushing away the very magick you desire?

Saturn, the king of karmic lessons, structure, and discipline is forcing you to take a look at your foundation. Prior to where you are now, what have you changed to get to this point? It’s important to take some time to reflect on where you’ve been in order to gain clarity on where it is you need to go next. 

Shadow Work

What do you need to remove from your life so that you can have what it is you desire? What’s been in the way over and over that you’ve been refusing to admit or see? How can you take the fear/doubt/worry out of the picture so you can move forward? Are there people (like me) who can support you with this endeavor and are you reaching out for help when you need it?

These lessons, acknowledgements, and recognitions may feel like massive burdens, but truthfully, they are here to set you free. Although shadow work is a pain in the ass to go through, all that density you’ve been carrying will dissipate once you are willing to shed some light on the subject. You just have to be willing to go there.

I did a card pull about how we can move through some of this denser energy (it’s on Facebook) but you can click here and it should bring you right to the video. I also wrote an article about the upcoming energy with a few prompts that might help bring you some clarity if you want to check that out.

Moving Forward

In any case, this year has been bringing us closer to alignment and from the solstice through the lion’s gate seems like the time for work that alignment from the inside out. With this in mind, take a look at what you’re looking at — if you’re stuck in the “what is”, meaning you’re letting your current reality define you, it’s time to step back and understand what you’ve been creating. 

Until you are willing to believe it to see it, and not the other way around, things won’t change. By uncovering what you’ve been hiding from yourself, be it your gifts and ideas or your past pain and deep fears, unless you do some clearing, you won’t have space to let in what you truly desire.

We’ve been given a beautiful opportunity to dig deep this retrograde season (and just like the years start coming and they don’t stop coming, so do the lessons my friend). If you truly want what you say you want, you’ll do the work it takes to get there. It doesn’t have to be hard (that’s a judgment) but you do have to take some action. The universe will fill in the rest.

About the Author Katie Cavenagh

Kaite is a multi passionate entrepreneur focused on the power of words and empowering others to open their conscious awareness. Katie is also a sound healer, oracle card reader, spiritual mentor, and tap dancer. Stick around long enough and you might just be convinced you're magickal.

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