October 4, 2024

Transformation is an ongoing process.

transforming identity

I am definitely not who I used to be. And I’m loving it! Transformation is in season!

Last year I’d be up between 4:30am to 5am (after hearing my spouse leave for work). I’d grab my laptop and get right to work writing, starting my day at a very early hour and typically working until 10pm. Sometimes I’d get a meditation in, but not usually. 

This is very different from a few years ago when my mornings were much slower (although I didn’t have a massive rent bill to pay either and was still in the 5am club). I’d meditate, journal, read, enjoy a nice cup of tea, and a slightly chaotic morning getting my nugget off to school because she was still “little”.

I realized when looking back over the past few years that I’d let my slow morning routine slide. I’ve been answering texts and emails starting as early as 6am when my do not disturb turns off and I become available to the world.

Phone in my hand, laptop open, and it was barely light outside. 

This was NOT how I wanted to live, even though I absolutely had to hustle by ass off to ensure I could pay the rent.

With things being hard all around in my life I started drinking heavily again. It’s no wonder my morning routine went to shit and I was feeling very unproductive even though I was always “working”. 

I mean, TBH, as an entrepreneur I’m ALWAYS working, but a lot of the time it’s creating things with so much love and joy right alongside the grind.

Well, I made the decision that this month would be different. 

This month (or, more realistically, just for today) I am consciously choosing to let my mornings be slower, to create space in my life to rest, and put my health as a priority. #sobertober

I’ve started hitting snooze and sleeping until 6. I stretch and do some strength training, drink my lemon water, make tea, and journal. I don’t even take my laptop out of my bag until after school drop off. I won’t go on social media or open my email sometimes until 11am. I’ve learned that things can wait.

It’s interesting sometimes how we get pulled off course of what feels good to do what we feel is necessary. When we go too far we are reminded to come back home—to what our soul is calling for.

This fall season, for me, inner transformation is a top theme. It’s time to cut the shit and do what I need to do to feel fulfilled, satisfied, empowered, healthy, and willing to take actions that are aligned with who I want to be.

Every day I’m taking steps to be that person. And it’s not just with my morning routine and quitting drinking. It’s cleaning up my financial mess with the support of a financial planner, purging my belongings, setting my future self up for success, pursuing deeper education, and saying no to what doesn’t light up my heart. 

It includes taking time each day to reflect, sit and breathe, be in my body, chant and talk to my body, reconnect with my guides and spirituality, and heal some deep, deep shit.

I’m looking forward to making all these changes because I know I don’t have to do it all at once. I know I’m going one day at a time and there’s no race to the finish. 

I have lots of unlearning to do and I’m giving myself grace as I navigate the next chapter of my life. Lots of changes are coming, and while change can be difficult it can also be beautiful. I’m staying focused on what outcome I want and how that feels, looking for any and all connections to that feeling NOW.

It’s time to start enjoying life rather than trying to push through resistance, projects, fear, doubt, self-imposed deadlines, and too high expectations I place on myself as a perfectionist. It’s time to soften, open my heart, and let myself be in the flow of whatever is to come next.

What have you decided to place your focus on in this time of transition? Let me know in the comments! Let’s support each other as we move into these last three months of 2024 so we all can grow, rise to our highest levels, and change the world by simply being our best selves.

And if you want to know how aligned (or not aligned) you are with manifesting your dream life, snag this free workbook of journal prompts to help you find out!

About the Author Katie Cavenagh

Kaite is a multi passionate entrepreneur focused on the power of words and empowering others to open their conscious awareness. Katie is also a sound healer, oracle card reader, spiritual mentor, and tap dancer. Stick around long enough and you might just be convinced you're magickal.

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