Some people aren’t made for this world. And the world definitely isn’t made for us. 

We look at things and see how they’re not working. We look at people and see their pain hiding underneath their fake smiles while they race to keep up with the Joneses. We *know* what’s going on behind the curtain of lies we’re shown on a daily basis through the media, fear tactics,  and propaganda.

We WANT to break free from the spell. We want others to be free too. Our lives are devoted to this mission.

People call us crazy and weird. We’re blown off and not taken seriously because what we do is “woo woo voodoo” or whatever words help people feel safe around what they don’t know. We lose friends and family because our values and beliefs are “out there” and no longer align with the norm.

The truth of the matter is that there are many perspectives on this planet. The one with the most focus is the one we experience on a collective level (remember, wherever your attention flows is what grows).

However, there are many people awakening to the fact the world is not made for them either, and this is helping the perspective to shift.

Many are becoming aware of the not-so-subtle manipulation happening in plain sight. Many are realizing they want to be the ones in control of their lives. Many are acknowledging and embracing their magick and power.

THIS is what will change the world. Personal power and ownership over that sovereign energy. Owning all our shadows as well as our light. Pulling from our natural goodness, love, appreciation, acceptance, creativity, and willingness to be our unique selves.

Planet Earth is undergoing a massive shift while Pluto is in Aquarius for the next 20 years. The last time we were here astrologically was around 1776. If you live in North America, y’all know what happened then. This type of change is what we’re positioned for.

There are only three months left in 2024, which has been a year of massive growth and alignment. So much change has already taken place on the energetic level and will be fitting into place physically throughout the next two decades. And there’s so much more to come.

It’s all happening for our betterment. For peace, for love, and for balance. 

Those who came here with this mission are being called to action. The outcome has already been decided and it’s up to us to bring forth the actions, beliefs, and new systems of existing to make it manifest.

Knowing your truth under the disguise you’ve been given is how it’s done, yet many will never realize their truth. It takes a brave soul to dig deep under the layers of conditioning and pain we hold as humans. And it’s all an illusion to keep us in the program.

All we have to do is choose to be free. Choose for things to be different. Not just hope, but consciously choose to think, speak, feel, believe, and act in a way that feels congruent with our truth. And everybody’s truth is different, which is a beautiful thing.

So, if you weren’t made for this world, then you were made to change it.

Want to know how aligned you are with what you’re creating? Snag this free workbook of journal prompts and discover where your focus really is.

About the Author Katie Cavenagh

Kaite is a multi passionate entrepreneur focused on the power of words and empowering others to open their conscious awareness. Katie is also a sound healer, oracle card reader, spiritual mentor, and tap dancer. Stick around long enough and you might just be convinced you're magickal.

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