There are many ways hypnosis can help you live a better life. While you may think that sheer willpower alone can help you muscle through your challenges, it won’t. Hypnosis offers a gentle reprogramming of the subconscious that will have you noticing shifts in your life straightaway.

Even if you have doubts or fears about hypnosis, it can work for you. When you keep an open mind, trusting you are in control, you can begin to release the resistance to what it is you want.

Hypnosis is a state of trance where the subconscious is easily able to respond positively to new suggestions. (So long as they are congruent with your desire.) You also have the ability to reject any suggestions that don’t fit with your belief system at any time. It’s important to remember that you are the creator of your own life. Hypnosis can help you achieve the results you are looking for. 

Here are three ways hypnosis can help you lead a better life.

  1. Hypnosis can help find the root cause of unconscious patterns

Do you notice that you aren’t able to make progress in your life the way you want to? If so, you undoubtedly have some unconscious hidden patterns you’re running under the surface. We are all programmed with our own beliefs, habits, and cycles, and while some are helpful, others are not.

These unhelpful habits and cycles typically stem from our past experiences and run unconsciously. They can be forms of self-sabotage, fears, and even anxiety (worrying about the future).

For the purpose of unearthing these patterns, hypnosis can give us direct access to where and how they are running. Hypnotic trance crosses the Critical Faculty, the line between the conscious and subconscious mind. So, we have the ability to access the part of the mind that created the pattern in the first place. From this place, we can talk to the subconscious and find out why, when, and how the pattern was created. Then we can release it, if that pattern no longer is serving the highest good.

Until we become aware of our patterns they will continue to run. Hypnosis helps us see what the conscious mind cannot. This in turn helps us lead a better life because we aren’t letting our unconscious mind drive the bus. When we are in the driver’s seat, aware of our patterns and consciously making a change, then we begin to feel more empowered, confident, and happier.

Addressing the root cause of an obstacle is initially how you set yourself free.

  1. Shift subconscious beliefs with hypnosis to create space for new, more congruent beliefs

In the same fashion that we can look into patterns, hypnosis helps us discover our belief systems. There are the structures that have been keeping us stuck at a certain place in life.

Beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies. That means whatever you believe is true to you. In essence, your beliefs will show up as your reality. For example, if you believe you’re unlucky, you will experience “unlucky” events that point to this belief being true. It’s a cycle of thought-reality that continuously reinforces each other.

Many times we don’t know what beliefs are running (similar to our unconscious patterns and habits). We often make the assumption that this is “how we are”. However, a belief is just a thought you continue to think, and thoughts can be changed.

Through hypnosis one can challenge their beliefs and as a result can install a new belief in its place. When the subconscious is “open” it can take on a new belief and starts looking for proof of truth immediately. It will believe the new thought and change perspectives accordingly.

So if the “unlucky” person changes their thoughts at the subconscious level to now believe they are blessed with positive experiences, this is what their reality will subsequently express. 

The reason hypnosis works for this is because at the conscious level you’re telling yourself something you don’t inherently believe. This isn’t going to get you results. Most often you end up with resistance because you have “proof” of your reality. Hence, this opposes the new belief you are consciously attempting to install, whereas there is little to no resistance at the subconscious level.

  1. Hypnosis is a way to self regulate your nervous system

When we carry stress around, live in survival mode, or easily get rattled but have no means of regulation, our physical body takes the toll. This creates dysregulation, dis-ease, and an overall state of imbalance. Hypnosis can specifically tune us into a relaxed, peaceful state, which we then can use to regulate our nervous system.

Being that around half of Americans reported to the APA they were stressed, we can see that these numbers have been increasing at an alarming rate over even just the past few years. 

Despite the pills one can take to lower stress, lifestyle and mindset change is what will have the biggest effect. Hypnosis helps with this since we can change our lives by changing our minds. 

As shown above, becoming aware of our beliefs and habits can lead to rapid transformation in life. Regulating the nervous system to reduce stress helps us enjoy this new, transformed life.

For the purpose of relaxing, you could listen to a recorded hypnosis specifically geared towards relaxation. You can also use self-hypnosis to bring yourself to a state of peace and calm. Start by imagining yourself in a peaceful place, allowing that image and feeling to intensify with each breath.

Regulating the nervous system with hypnosis indeed leads to a better life as well as promotes healing throughout the body. As a matter of fact, this article from Psychology Today talks about how hypnosis can promote self-healing.


In short, hypnosis is an effective way to help make the changes you want to see in your life. As long as you want to make changes, your subconscious will be on board and receptive to do so. 

Whenever you’re faced with obstacles or challenges, especially when you can’t figure out why you’re not making progress in your life, checking in with your beliefs and patterns will usually give you the solution. 

Remember, the way out is through, and that means doing some inner work to finally rid yourself of the culprits. Given that when you get to the core of the issue at hand, you can remove it for good. It actually doesn’t have to be a long drawn out process.

Hypnosis works fast and effectively in order to offer awareness, relief, and access to the changes you desire to make. “Give trance a chance”, as Charles Tebbetts would say, and check out my Hypnosis for Confidence and Success on YouTube.

About the Author Katie Cavenagh

Kaite is a multi passionate entrepreneur focused on the power of words and empowering others to open their conscious awareness. Katie is also a sound healer, oracle card reader, spiritual mentor, and tap dancer. Stick around long enough and you might just be convinced you're magickal.

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