Your voice is the most powerful tool you carry. Using your voice can both create and destroy, so why not use it to manifest your best life?

It’s not always easy to share our voices, especially when it comes to expressing our truth. Often we may feel like if we express what we feel inside we’ll be ridiculed, abandoned, or rejected so we keep it all inside. 

Leo season is a time to shine, and the universe has been pushing us to share the truth of who we are, regardless if we’re scared. This is how we move forward, towards our biggest goals, dreams, and desires. 

And of course, the retrograde parade is giving us plenty to observe as we take a deeper look at ourselves and our patterns that keep us stuck.

A huge one that’s come up for a lot of us is this habit/belief that we are to play small. 

Y’all, we did NOT come here to play small.

We came here to birth something new, whatever that may be. We are all working collectively to literally birth a new era (I mean, come on, we came for the Age of Aquarius!), but we are also each individually birthing our biggest desires. And that includes using your voice to express what you want.

Now, we get what we focus on whether we want it or not. That being said, where’s the focus right now? Is it stuck on what you can’t seem to get out or are you being all large and in charge, creating and manifesting your dreams?

If you’re like most of us, you’re probably holding something HUGE inside that you can’t, won’t, or haven’t put out into the world.

And that’s perfectly ok (this is a no-judgment zone as I am right there with you). 

The point is to become aware of what wants to be manifested through you and to let that inspiration guide you to new lands. After all, Leo wants us to take up space and claim our time in the spotlight. (Have you been feeling the nudges to do something, anything, lately?)

Right now we are very supported with energies to push us out into that spotlight and show us that we indeed have what it takes to succeed. And with Virgo season right around the corner, we can start putting new routines into place to anchor in that success. 

The universe needs you to share your gifts and talents with the world. To add to the building collective consciousness of New Earth — a place where we know and use our power, work together, and manifest that which we came to experience.

Sure, there’s a shit show of a world outside the door, but how do you express yourself within that program? When you are willing to hold true to your values and beliefs, that’s how you create a completely different experience for yourself.

And while others are biting down on the shit sandwich, watching you orgasming on the glorious buffet of life, they’ll surely be asking for what you’re having.

It’s all perspective.

Freeing yourself to speak into existence what you desire is a power we all have but is terribly underutilized by the vast majority of people. Sharing your voice is the direct connection to birthing a new age, one in which all is aligned with love and support, trust and empowerment.

It doesn’t matter what’s going on around you, when you express your truth it radiates from within, and your world is created from the inside out. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to receive what you’ve asked for!

About the Author Katie Cavenagh

Kaite is a multi passionate entrepreneur focused on the power of words and empowering others to open their conscious awareness. Katie is also a sound healer, oracle card reader, spiritual mentor, and tap dancer. Stick around long enough and you might just be convinced you're magickal.

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